Product Description
We Simply Want to Say ...Thank You!! Engraved & Stamped On A Copper Bracelet That Will Last For Years Like Our Gratitude!
Please select a size and place one in your shopping cart and then continue shopping...We will send this Copper Bracelet with your order Free of Charge. In Honor of Our Troops And Brave Firefighters, Police & All First Responders.
Thank You All For Your Service, Past & Present, We Salute You.
If you would like us to send multiple bracelets to a special unit or family you know of please e-mail us with the details and we will respond ASAP.
Please Support These Brave Men And Women In Any Way You Can. They Need Us Now, MORE THAN EVER! Let Them Know You Care And That They MATTER, IT IS IMPORTANT!
Pass it on..Get One....Give it Away!
A Nice Note:
Back in 2004/5 you donated copper 911 commemorative wristbands to the families of my son's infantry unit (Indiana National Guard 1-151), during their deployment to Afghanistan. There have been other deployments in the ensuing years. Some Soldiers and Families have moved on/away; others remain in an MP unit that morphed from their original unit. That unit is currently deployed to Guantanamo. Some of those original family members and Soldiers still wear their wristbands.
Each time an email pops up from AceMagnetics, I think of your generosity and just want to once again express my appreciation.
Barbara B.